Thursday, November 1, 2012

Elderberry Entry, Part I (Home Cold/Flu Remedies)


Okay then!!!


Here on my EarthCastle Blog, I am ever pining away the time and dreaming of things that I can get my hands into, (dirt is always one of them) as soon as it is again delightfully warm outdoors.  Maybe, during these colder months, when I can catch glimpses of time here and there, and when the ground isn't too frozen, I’ll even continue on doing this kind of work, (cob/earth building) if I can find a few helping hands, and a weekend or two here and there to spare, to “play in the cold mud.” (Remembering the past few winters here, it has been pretty warm overall.  We are hoping for a few cold, hard freezes this year, and plenty of snow to play in, but meanwhile...) Now then.  There is no reason to “waste” all of these perfectly good months out here doing nothing but dreaming, (although I’ll always be doing plenty of that) and thusly, I have decided that it is high time to get my hands into even more “dirt,” if you will, and share what I find along my journeys, with YOU.  It will, (I promise!) be highly educational, delightful to read, and above all, F-U-N!




Not only am I going to post about my COB goings on here at the blog, but also, now, I am going to introduce those other kinds of things that we have been doing around here at Wolvenwold! This will include all of the homestead-y/permie-ee/organic-y/greenie types of things that make our mouths water, fill our spirits full of joy, and leave us with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Plus, it feels good doing things that are good for the EARTH, and good for our souls, minds, and bodies, too!  Right?  RIGHT!


So today, I woke with a tiny bit of a sore throat. My first reaction?


"No... NO... NONONO!!!

I don't have TIME to get sick right now!!!  AARRGGHHH”


I have far too many things that I want to concentrate on, plan and activate, and just, well, get done this season. So, instead, (remembering my beloved Law of Attraction) I popped a couple of Echinacea throat drops, quickly shifted my focus, instead, to...


"WELLNESS!!!  Radiant Health!  Happiness!"   YAY!!! ;-) ;-) ;-)


And, also, I should add, a bit of the old adage, kicking myself in the butt whist doing so...


“Witch, HEAL Thyself!!!” 


(After all, for crying out loud, what good is being a witch, if you can’t at the very least, “heal yourself?  Right??) 


Hence, the “Elderberry Entry,” numero uno.  (Homebrewing fun, and laundry soap making stuff, soon to follow, kids.  Who knows where this shall lead.)




Okay, so Holly (my bestie) and I (and if you don’t know me all that well, or if you are just getting to know me, you’ll hear me mention her name a lot, or, possibly, the title “Boom Boom Valhalla,” when referring to her in my various mischievous exploits).  We both used to purchase these little “Elderberry Syrup Cold & Flu Remedy” kits from Joy's shop in West Plains when it was still in existence. (Goddess rest her beautiful soul.  Love you, Joy.)  I am here to tell you, for cold and flu season, for my money, THIS STUFF WORKS. Better, I think than any other home remedy I have ever used.


The kit in question, that we would purchase yearly, contained; dried elderberries, a little set of instructions, (for other things to put it the concoction; cloves, cinnamon, honey, etc.) and finally, told you how to put it all together and how to boil it down to something that you could bottle and store in your fridge for the season.  You take it a tablespoon or two at a time.  I think, (and correct me if I’m wrong, here, HOllah)  that that was, well... pretty much it!  BTW... It sold for twelve dollars! And, we would happily shell out the cash for this, because, well, it worked!  Well, guess what. Elderberries are free, cheap, AWESOME medicine that you can pretty much find on the side of any country road, if they aren’t already inconspicuously growing in your own backyard.  They are fairly easy to spot and identify, if you aren’t already familiar with them (though you do need to be kinda careful, just be sure you aren’t getting Pokeweed (larger berries), Hemlock, (hollow stems, green lines on them) or red elderberries (obvious), but this is pretty dern easy once you are familiar with them, at all.  If you don't know where to find them, you can always order them dried, and they work perfectly fine. (I am all for using fresh stuff though... if just to make myself feel better about it.)


So, in my search, this morning, for the very best recipes that I could find on the web, for both the Elderberry Syrup, much like the one we used to make from the little packets from Joy’s, and also, an equally important Elderberry TINCTURE, (even more potent medicine) I have read at least my allotted thirteen websites full of information, and found what I feel are the best of each.  I have decided to share these links and wisdom with you, so that you, hopefully, can do the same, and keep yourself and your family well this season!   If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask, I’ve probably read about it somewhere, or might know where, at least, to find the info for you, if you can’t find it on your own.  (I learned a lot about Elderberries this morning!)


If you don't have any luck, though, or just don't want to bother... my brothas and sistahs... fear not! There are several places online where you can buy this stuff, already made... (If you feel like shelling out the cash, not recommended) or, if you are really, really nice and sweet to us, we may even be able to sell you a bottle or two of our own, in six weeks or so.


I'm telling you... I implore you... if you haven’t already tried the sacred and amazing Elderberry for combating your worst cold season viruses, try this stuff.  It is absolutely, positively, the very best medicine I have ever used in my life, for not only preventing (preferred!) but also conquering those pesky cold and flu bugs throughout the fall and winter months. Oh, and don’t forget, if you do plan to harvest some Elderberries, (or anything wild, for that matter) please be respectful to Mother Nature in doing so, and leave plenty behind to seed and propagate the same area for next year.  In doing this, the birds, and other humans and earth creatures, can help re-seed, and eat, and benefit, as well, from all of its bounty.  (Basically, just don’t take “all” you see of any one thing, please.)  In fact, there is an old homesteading rule out there somewhere that I read today, that said, “For every ten plants you see, you should harvest only one, and leave the rest.”  Use your own judgment, and what feels right to your own soul.  Oh, and read up on the deity associated with the Elder, if you get the chance (I’ll be posting a bit about Her soon...), because she is worth getting to know, too.


Best of luck to you, and hope your hearth and home are filled with warmth, delicious scents, sights and sounds this season, and wellness, smiles and laughter, all year 'round!


Blessed Be, Bel





Awesome Elderberry Links of the Day


Elderberry TINCTURE - How to make a tincture of Elderberry for cold & Flu Season that will last for several years on your shelf!  (Though it’ll probably get used up way before that, once you and your family see how good the stuff works.)  Any extra that you make can be used for wonderful gifts, or even to sell!  This is best made with the fresh berry.


Go HERE to learn how to do it: >>>  


You’ll take about twenty drops of this tuff in a cup or so of liquid of your choice.  (Warm tea, water, etc.)


Elderberry SYRUP This is the stuff you can make and use pretty much right away, if you are experiencing any cold/flu symptoms currently, and it actually tastes mighty good, too!  (Yum.)  It has a much less of shelf life, though, and needs to be refrigerated, but it is very much worth making some and trying it out, while you are waiting for your tincture to steep.  (In case you get started a bit too late, like I have, and have to wait for six weeks now before I’ll be able to use my tincture!)  Overall, it’ll last throughout the season, at least, or until you need to make some more.



You can use fresh or dried berries for this, though most of the recipes I’ve seen for this use the dried ones, for various reasons.  You’ll take a tablespoon or so of this, daily, to prevent getting sick, a bit more if you already are.


Try one or both, and best of health to you!


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Groundbreaking Weekend April 6-8, 2012

WHAT an amazing kickoff of to the spring season!!!

THANK YOU to all who came out to be a part of this historical weekend!!!  Firstly, mister Keith Pellegrim and his friend, Curtis Pepper showed up early (Thursday evening), ready to help, as always. We had a night of chilling out and hanging on the stage together, enjoying the lovely weather and talking about the weekend to come, philosophy, and many things.  Keith and Béla played a LOT... with wooden blocks, bubbles, and we all had a whimsical time.

The next day, throughout the day and night, the others showed up, and in all, we had ourselves a crew.  Johnny Holzer, Holly Rudolph, (along with Max, Laney and Jake), Mickey, Chris, Paula, Damien, joined us (Beltana, Béla, and Fran Hanks) to celebrate the first “official” weekend of the cobbing experience that is to be EarthCastle!

Everyone added their own energies.  Johnny ran the excavator while Keith and Curtis helped out (a lot!), Mickey cooked for us and the others did what was needed.  (I’m not aware exactly whom all did what, but I know everyone helped as much as they could!) Max helped mom up top at the homestead.  The kids played, hunted Ostara eggs, played with bubbles, sang songs and climbed trees.  It was a true blessing watching the children get the chance to play with each other, enjoy the sunshine, and blow off steam.

Finally, when all was said and done, we accomplished the main goal of the weekend, (yay!!!) by digging a three foot deep, two foot wide ditch, thirty feet around in a circle for the rubble footing/trench where the cob house is to sit.  Roads were smoothed out with the remaining machine time, (thanks to Johnny for all of your hard work) and it was a productive weekend indeed!  (JOY!)  Some of us slept on the stage, some in tents, and we shared chili and cupcakes and hotdogs and laughs.  We played beer pong, sang songs (badly) and had a blast.  Talks for the next “official” weekend are in progress, but every weekend, at least something will probably get done out here.  (So... If you are in the mood to bring out a few shovels and do a bit of work with me, let us know and come on out!  I can find something for you to do.)

Plans for the “end-of-summer-music-extravaganza” treat are well underway, as well... which is to be a celebration for those who have worked so hard on this project this season, and any others who would like to come out to Wolvenwold and celebrate with us!  (Of course, those who have come out to help the most on the cob projects will get special deals on admission!)  Shibaten will be returning to play for us, and the dates are being discussed right now.

There is much to do... but it has BEGUN!  That is probably the hardest part... just getting started... and I am ever so thrilled to finally see it in action.  We have been planning this for two years now!  There will be a few photos and videos posted on here from time to time, and even more on the Wolvenwold Facebook page, (feel free to post your own there!) so catch up with us when you can, and plan to come out and join us when you are able to do so!  We are all having so much fun, and there is, of course, MUCH more to be had!!!

For the next work weekend, we will be needing people who can shovel, shovels and tools, and please plan to provide your own camps, bedding, and food and cooking supplies for the weekends.  Bring your children, if you like (we will always welcome them!), and your good, happy, positive helpful attitudes.  This is growing into a sprit of sharing and helping, and is going to produce something beautiful.  People will be able to take away skills that will last a lifetime, and experiences that cannot be replaced.  Let us know if you would like to be a part of something wonderful, and we will find a place for you.

The next proposed date for the EarthCastle Work Weekend is April 20-22... EARTH DAY WEEKEND!!! (Weekend after next)  Let us know if you can make it, ASAP...

Thank you all so much, from the depths of my heart,

Beltana Spellsinger

Béla Holzer

Fran Hanks

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Fall Plans for Spring Things

Blessings, Dear Friends and Family of Wolvenwold!!!

In these delightfully crispy cool fall months, when we are experiencing the magickal crackle of the hearth fires, planning family feasts, get togethers and holiday celebrations, my mind turns inward, and begins plotting and planning, as is usual for myself, and others at Wolvenwold this time of the year.

Today, my mind is on future workshops, weekend retreats and intensives coming up at Wolvenwold in the spring (or earlier) of 2012.  There will be so many fine and fun things for us to learn together; seminars on earth friendly building methods (cob, strawbale, cordwood, earthbags, and many more), permaculture in general, passive heating and cooling techniques, organic gardening, solar panel building, beekeeping, brewing, cooking, preserving, cob oven construction and bread making, tree house construction, musical interests, theatre, woodworking, and homestead arts and crafts (to include all SORTS of goodies, TBA real soon on our website!!!  For example, to tempt you... we’ll do things like these real soon: soapmaking, cheese making, beeswax creations, sewing, unique and cool clothing, upcycled and recycled crafts, ornaments, painting, drawing, children’s things, and so much, much more, and these will even begin as early as this fall, perhaps later this month, or as soon as we are ready for them), and oh, the possibilities from here are just endless!  Thus far, we have about six or seven weekend events in the process of being created.  Many more will come.  Education, hands on learning, teaching, and fellowship geared toward a better, greener future for all of us... THIS is the new future of Wolvenwold!

Already, we have quite a few capable hosts (and are seeking just a few more!) who are organizing and planning their weekends, working on schedules and web updates, gathering materials and getting things in order to share their knowledge with you.  It is time to learn how to be self-sustainable, good people!  What better place to do it, than on 166 acres of safe, sacred, peaceful and spiritual land?  Here, we will learn together under the sun, moon and stars, in harmony with Nature Herself, feel the breezes blowing through our minds and over our bodies as we learn new skills, and have a damn splendid time in the process.  We look forward to greeting our newest family members, and seeing olde ones return, for years and years to come!  Oh, yes, and of course we will also have musical entertainment at said workshops and weekends... after all, what is life, without music!!!

First up, we are going to be concentrating on getting the Earth Building workshops underway.  We have been talking about doing this for some time, but this is the year it is finally going to come to fruition.  As a suggestion, if you plan to be involved in one or all of these intensives, there is at least one book that you should get, and read, this fall/winter, to get yourselves prepared, excited, and in the right mindset.  We will be borrowing from the learning experience of the fine folks of the Cob Cottage Company, and will be using their amazing book, “The Hand Sculpted House; A Practical and Philosophical Guide to Building a Cob Cottage” as a reference.  Within this book, there is also a fine list of other recommended reading materials, and they all come highly recommended from these proficient builders of earth homes.  (This group of cob builders is as fine, knowledgeable and experienced as they come.  They brought the art with them from Cornwall and Wales, after all!)  SO to begin with, if you are interested in coming out for a cob building workshop, to begin early next spring, this one book is definitely going to be your first prerequisite.  Not only does it contain within it, information on just about every single aspect of building with cob and building a cob home, but it also outlines advice and wonderful suggestions on how to begin to live simply, easily and more healthfully, and on less... whatever your current situation.  It is one of my very favorite books on cobbing, living, and on “earthbuilding” as an art form itself, and I must insist that you get a copy and start reading it as soon as possible.  (I have personally read it, re-read it, and am now beginning my third read of it, and that is how much I LOVE this book!)  I would suggest purchasing it from the good folks at the CCC directly, borrowing a copy, or you can also procure a copy from Amazon, in good used condition.  (And if you are one of those folks who absolutely has to have a new copy, please think about lending your copy to another after you have read it!)  I will also be announcing other book recommendations in the near future, and as fall and winter comes along.  Really, do read these books if you plan to learn the art.

And hey, if you do decide to get this book, and plan to become one of our cob/earthbuilding students, please let us know your thoughts here, after you have read it!

Onward from there, (and in tandem with it) we will be learning about various other earth friendly building techniques, and of course sharing in the fun of playing in that mud and earth together, or rather, “Mud Dancing.” (even in the moonlight!).  We will take that beautiful dance, hand in hand, spiral it around, and follow the motion of it along the earth’s rhythms into the forms of many of the other wondrous and beautiful things that we are going to learn, to create, to build and to behold, and appreciate together the finished efforts of which to fill our worlds and make them fuller and richer.  We are transient, as humans, though so very extraordinary, and the nature of our lives, our homes, our gifts to one another, and our very foods should also be so.  Together, we shall learn to build these simple, yet ever so beautiful worlds around, beyond, and within us.  And yet as fleeting as our lives are, we can still learn to create the most beautiful lives possible around us, and then hand down our own teachings and learnings to our next generations, so that they can share the fruits of the same labor, in their own unique ways.

I hope that you will join us in our journeys!

Stay tuned for updated website info, coming very soon on fall arts classes, winter wanderings, spring workshops, and summer seminars...

See you soon!

Blessed Be,

Beltana Spellsinger


Thursday, April 21, 2011

In the beginning there was dirt...

Earth... Soil... Clay, Sand and Stone... Rain, Fire, Wind, Spirit and Bone... These are a few of my favourite things.

I imagine an immense sign above my Earthcastle, one that says, Earth, Soil, Clay and Stone!  (Or something remotely more eloquent) announcing the magickal, mystical entryway into another world... My World... One where you can only imagine what size the strawberries are that currently grow on the roof... one where the storms can only be seen, but barely heard here, inside the dirt cave... one where I finally feel comfortable, solitudinous, alone, alive, and at home.

There is a crystal cave beneath the castle, one where viscous brews are ever fermenting, and where One could go and commune with the Queen of Fey herself... or explore a view of the Otherworlds via the touch of the loam walls.  It is peaceful here, peaceful, quiet, and mine.

This is the journey that I take through the Earthcastle... from the beginning... through the very planning, the dreaming, drawing and the building, and the way in which I will learn to share this amazing magick with the rest of the world, when the time comes.  My plans are for the Earthcastle itself, which is my home, where I live with my daughter and our gardens, the elusive wildlife that subtly surrounds us... the playhouse where we will play, the art studio where I will create and escape, the recording studio where I will release and work, the treehouse where we will play and laugh and listen to the rain, the bridge that will take us from one place to the next, the bread oven that will cook our grain, and all of the other things that we decide to build once we learn how to pat mud and earth into cakes that will become our walls. 

These walls will not keep things out, but let things in... our inner gardens will be our walls, and we will live more within them than inside them... be a part of them and breathe with them and become a part of the earth mother with them... as the vines crawl up, over, beneath and inside of us, permeating our very being... until the strength of their greenery becomes our bone, and the fragrance of their delicate and potent flowers becomes every bit of who we are.

This is the journey...

May you find a ray of light here and there, and enjoy the journey with us...

Blessings of Love, Light, and Darkness,

Beltana Spellsinger and Bela Czaba